What can't I include in my prenup?

You can protect your property, define your marital rights, limit litigation upon dissolution, and limit litigation on death.  For example, you can waive pension rights, waive property rights, and may even waive probate rights. You can also prevent your spouse from taking a stake in your business or equity. 
Here are some examples of provisions that you cannot do and that have been found unenforceable by California courts:

(1)   Provision for liquidated damages if Husband had a sexual affair during the marriage.

(2)   Clause that made Wife pay a financial penalty if Husband’s drug addiction reoccurred

(3)   Prenup that gave Wife more money if she refrained from placing Husband in a nursing facility when he lost the ability to make decisions.

If you are drafting a premarital agreement and have questions,  you can contact me at Amanda@gordonfamilylaw.com for more information.