Common Family Law Acronyms
/Many clients and attorneys are shocked by the number of acronyms used in family law. Here is a list of the common family law acronyms used in San Francisco Bay Area Family Law custody and divorce cases.
ATRO: Automatic Temporary Restraining Order
DCSS: Department of Child Support Services
DOM: Date of Marriage
DOS: Date of Separation
DVRO: Domestic Violence Restraining Order
EPO: Emergency Protective Order
I&E: Income and Expense Declarations
MSA: Marital Settlement Agreement
MSOL: Marital Standard of Living
PDD: Preliminary Declaration of Disclosure
QDRO: Qualified Domestic Relations Order
RFO: Request for Order
SAD: Schedule of Assets and Debts
TRO: Temporary Restraining Order
UCCJEA: Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act
UPA: Uniform Parentage Ac