Can I be arrested for failure to pay child support?

Over the weekend, the Rapper DMX was arrested for failure to pay $400,000 worth of unpaid child support. See the story here:

Is that possible? Yes. Experienced family law attorneys will explain that the failure to pay your child support may result in criminal penalties and even jail time.  California law provides that the willful failure to provide for a child under the age of 18 is a misdemeanor with a maximum punishment of 1 year in the county jail and a $2000 fine. Pen C §270. 

If you are unable to make child support payments and you fail to appear in a court process to explain why, the Court can issue a warrant for your arrest based on contempt. If you are having trouble with your payments due to a change in your employment circumstances or other financial strain, you can approach the Court and ask for a modification of your child support payments. The Court uses a guideline scale based on a computer program to estimate child support payments and will grant you relief if you meet certain criteria. If your ex spouse claims that you cannot see your children based on your failure to pay child support, you should consult a San Francisco Family Lawyer who can help you adjust your payments and figure out how much you owe if you are behind.